Willcox Estate Agents have been successfully selling Gold Coast homes for more than ten years. The team’s expertise, focus and efforts have been unwaveringly committed to the vendors they represent – honesty, integrity and courtesy have always been extended to buyers, but obligations to sellers have prevented a deeper commitment to buyers.
As the country transitioned to a post pandemic world, and we all learned that our work can be conducted from anywhere, the resurgence of interest in the Gold Coast as a home, and the lifestyle that comes with it, was at times overwhelming. The needs of buyers dictated that we created an exclusive Buyers Advocacy service where we apply the same energy and knowledge to the unique needs of buyers.
Buyers Advocacy team members are highly experienced and 100% dedicated to the buying side of real estate transactions. We remove the emotion from the process and begin a dedicated journey with a professional clarity.
Every client is different, whether your needs are driven by location, architectural style, layout, time or money, we will tailor our every effort to precisely meet your brief. Your focus becomes our focus. Our commitment is to always be “on point” and only present properties that suit.

The Advocacy process is completely transparent and focused only on procuring the right property for a client. We have excellent relationships with a broad spectrum of agents. We are by your side from the initial consultation through short list inspections, negotiation, bidding at auction, contract execution and popping the celebratory champagne at settlement – with advice and guidance on all processes on the way.
We provide great value for time poor local clients, buyers new to the Gold Coast, or interstate or international clients navigating an unfamiliar market. Buyers Advocacy is a collaboration with our clients to save them time, money and stress while achieving their personal dreams and objectives. We would be delighted to assist you on your journey.
If you choose our service there is a formal agreement with a fixed fee structure. There are no hidden costs. Other than an initial non-refundable engagement cost to a maximum of $1980.00, the fee is only payable when you have settled on your new property purchase that we have been directly responsible for assisting you procure.